JSU Celebrates Successful MLK Community Service Week


During January 17-27, the American Democracy Project at JSU hosted the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Week. This event is sponsored by many schools nationwide as a way to honor King and his mission of unity, equality, and service to one another.

Looking back on this week, over 1,000 books were collected for the Little Free Libraries for United Way.

Around 25 students cleaned both inside and outside of HOPE Women's Services, in addition to sprucing up the flowerbeds and walls.

Around 50 students came and played games with residents of Legacy Village retirement community. Both the students and the residents had a great time.

Participating students were from Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Zeta, Sigma Nu, LAE, Freshman Forum, National Society for Leadership and Success, Alpha Kappa Alpha, the Honors Program, Circle K International, and the National Honor Society at Saks High School, as well as students who were not yet involved in any organizations. 

Overall, it was a fun and successful week! 

Photo: Students at the HOPE Women's Services (courtesy of Angela Marino/American Democracy Project)