
Purchase Requisition - Required at year end when routine purchasing has stopped.

Meal Request - Required for any purchases involving food items.

Partial Shipment - Required for a partial payment on a purchase order.

Purchase Order Amendment - Required when a purchase order must be amended.

Request to Purchase Computer/Hardware Software - Required for any computer hardware/software purchase for an individual item costing $500 or more.

State of Alabama Disclosure Statement - Required for purchases of $5,000 or more.

IRS Form W-9 - Required to set up a new vendor.

Capital Equipment Transaction - This form is required when items valued at $5,000 or more are transferred, moved, or loaned to another State agency.

Contract Intake Review Form - This form should be completed and attached to any contract with an outside vendor that needs legal review/approval. This form does not need to be completed for the following types of contracts: 1) contracts with other governmental entities; 2) internship or clinical site agreements; 3)gift agreements. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU INFORM THE OTHER PARTY THAT ALLCONTRACTS ARE