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Application Procedures for Jax State Housing
The following information applies to new fall 2025 - spring 2026 applicants only. Current residents will reapply for housing in February 2025. More information can be found online.
First year undergraduate students are required to live on campus inside the residence halls, however, we do allow students to request exemptions. If you are a student from Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne, Etowah, St. Clair, or Talladega county and do not wish to live on campus, we ask that you submit a request for exemption form online through THD Self Service, with new application for the following academic year available beginning October 10.
- You must be accepted to Jacksonville State University before applying for a housing assignment.
- A $200 nonrefundable application fee is required before you can submit your application. Application fees are not covered by Loans, Grants, or Scholarships.
- You will need your MyJaxState username and MyJaxState password to log onto THD Self Service.
- The Housing Application/Lease Agreement is a legal, binding document for the entire academic year, lasting NINE months. The Edge is a 12-month lease agreement, lasting fall, spring, and summer.
- Spring ONLY lease agreements last for the spring semester only.
- Students moving into The Edge for spring will be responsible for spring and summer semesters of the lease agreement.
- Summer housing applications are applicable to the term for which you are enrolled/wish to stay.
- Paper applications are not available.
Additional Application Information
- New applications for each academic year will be available beginning October 10. Curernt residents will be able to reapply in the spring semester.
- If you are receiving any type of scholarship you must pay the $200.00 nonrefundable application fee; it is not covered by your scholarship.
- We are not able to take your application fee out of your financial aid award.
- April 1 is the priority deadline for new housing applications and roommate requests, however applications will still be accepted after April 1.
- If you are an Incoming First-Year Student who applies after April 1, you will be assigned by the Housing Office. You are not eligible to select a room assignment.
- If you do not live on campus for consecutive academic years, you will be required to submit another housing application fee. Students who do not complete the reapplication period in the spring are considered new residents and will be required to pay the $200 nonrefundable application fee again.
- Incoming First-Year Students must be registered for Gamecock Orientation by April 1 to be eligible to select a room assignment on their selection date.
- New spring only applicants or fall New Transfer students/New Upper-Class students who do not currently live on campus will be assigned by the housing office. For new spring applications, students will be assigned by the housing office beginning in December and assignment information will be emailed to student's MyJaxState email accounts.
- New Transfers and New Upper-Class students who are wanting to live on campus for the fall will be assigned by the Housing Operations staff beginning May 1 and will continue all summer long.
- First-year residents are required to live on campus and are not eligible for cancellation unless the resident is no longer enrolled in classes at Jax State. Once a first-year student is assigned and accepts a key, they are no longer eligible for exemption or cancellation.
- Students may not request an exemption for the spring semester after they have lived on campus for the fall semester of the same academic year.
- First-year students switching to all online classes and/or students who are wanting to commute for the spring semester are not eligible for an exemption after living on campus during the fall semester.
- Current residents receive priority if they apply during the designated reapplication period. More information about the reapplication process can be found on our Renew Your Housing website.
- Housing assignments are NOT guaranteed.
- New students:
- Roommate preference questions will also be used to assign a roommate if you do not request a roommate on your application. Be sure to answer honestly, so we can match you with a compatible roommate.
- You may also search for roommates through THD Self Service using search criteria.
- Be sure to use RoomSync, an app for students to search for roommates. RoomSync can only be accessed through the housing applications on THD Self Service.
- New Transfers and New Upper-Class students who are wanting to live on campus will be assigned by the Housing Operations staff beginning May 1 and throughout the remainder of the summer. Assignments will be sent out beginning May 15 and throughout the remainder of the summer.
- New Spring applicants will be assigned by the Housing Operations staff beginning December 1 and into the beginning of the spring semester.
Incoming first-year students will be self-selecting their room assignments. Starting in April 2025, first-year students will log into THD Self Service to select their exact room assignment for the fall 2025-spring 2026 terms.
Priority is assigned based on your housing application date, so the sooner you apply for housing, the more likely you are to choose the hall and room of your choice! Students must complete the parental verification process in order to receive their priority selection date and time. If you are under the age of 19, your parent or guardian will receive a separate email to verify your application. Please ensure this step is completed in a timely manner in order to keep an earlier selection time.
Students will receive a reminder notification two weeks, one week, and 48 hours before the selection period opens. Students who submit their application after April 1, 2025, or do not select their room during the selection period, will be assigned by the housing office based on preferences and availability. Housing assignments and/or roommate requests are not guaranteed.
More information, including step-by-step instructions can be found online by clicking the link below.
- We currently do not offer private rooms upon application for housing for first-year students. Our live-on requirement mandates we have as many beds available for our first-year student population.
- You may request a private room after move in. The room change request form can be found online though Roompact. Roompact will not be accessible until move-in weekend in August.
- If space becomes available and your request is granted, you may move during the third full week of classes (room change week).
- You will be required to pay the difference in housing rates if you are moving to a more expensive housing assignment or will be refunded if moving to a cheaper housing option.
- Any room changes taking place outside of room change week may result in additional charges.
- Roommate requests must be mutual and must include the correct student number of each roommate.
- Both roommate applications and application fees must be received online through THD Self Service by April 1 to be considered.
- You will be assigned another roommate if your desired roommate does not request you as a roommate, cancels their application, or both applications are not received by April 1.
- First-Year Students must be registered for Gamecock Orientation by April 1 in order to be eligible to select a room.
For Current Residents:
- See Phase Three information on how to request a roommate during reapplication.
If you will be living in Crow, Curtiss, Daugette, Dixon, Fitzpatrick, Logan, Meehan, North Village, Patterson, Salls, or Sparkman Hall, you are required to purchase a meal plan. For more information, please visit Campus Dining Services.