Alumni & Friends
We would like to invite all JSU nursing alumni to come join and be a part of the JSU Alumni Association. As an Alumni member, you can continue to make a difference and be a part of Jacksonville State University. For information about the benefits of joining the JSU Alumni Association, please visit JSU Alumni Engagement.
As graduates of the JSU School of Nursing, you represent a proud tradition of nursing excellence. These are exciting times at the School of Nursing as we continue to develop an educational experience that includes the latest concepts in nursing. We are truly providing an experience that will prepare nurses for a 21st century healthcare system. We would like to keep you up-to-date on all the exciting changes at the JSU School of Nursing.
The JSU Nursing Student/Alumni Committee invites you to “stay in touch” with your school, faculty, and former classmates. Please join us in our LinkedIn group, “Jacksonville State University Nursing Alumni”. We look forward to hearing from you!
Student/Alumni Committee