Important Information
- International students will receive a tuition and fees scholarship.
- The Scholarship recipient will need funds for transportation to the United States and for the return trip to his/her native country.
- Students are responsible for their personal and social expenses and for expenses that are not covered by the scholarship.
- With very few exceptions, international students cannot work. There is very little work on campus for international students, so funds for personal expenses will be necessary.
- International House members will be expected to spend approximately 5-10 hours per week in forums, seminars, social events, and community groups.
- Since significant commitment to IH activities is mandatory for participation, student athletes, fraternity/sorority members and students who work full time are unlikely to be selected for participation. If a member of the International House program proves him/herself to be an engaged and successful member, exceptions can be made to allow them to also join a team, student organization, or obtain full-time employment. Students should discuss their status with the director before making any changes to their schedule that may interfere with their participation in the program before committing themselves to either choice.