Student Opportunities and Organizations

Kinesiology Majors Club

The Kinesiology Majors Club has been at JSU since 1978. The club offers students with a major in these fields the chance to obtain a wide variety of information and opportunities for professional development.

The club has won the Willis Baughman Award for the Outstanding Majors Club in Alabama many times.

Students have raised money for "Hoops for Heart," participated in the Special Olympics, and annually supplied volunteers for the Gamecock Gallop, which helps offset expenses to professional conferences.

Apply to Join the Kinesiology Majors Club

Dr. Gina Mabrey
119 Kennamer Hall

student hiking

Senior Adult Exercise

Senior Adult Exercise provides an opportunity for students to work with senior adults in an exercise program designed to promote health and socialization. The program involves the student and the senior adult in water exercise, chair and floor exercises, and walking.


ASAHPERD - Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

ACSM - American College of Sports Medicine
The Kinesiology Majors Club recommends joining this group.

NSCA - National Strength and Conditioning Association